motor cell

美 [ˈmoʊtər sel]英 [ˈməʊtə(r) sel]
  • 运动细胞;运动原细胞
motor cellmotor cell
  1. The largest cell in the gray matter is the motor cell , which is the multipolar neuron .


  2. I do not belong to a motor cell ultra strong person , But I will watch each Olympic Games .


  3. The motor cell columns in the cervical and lumbar enlargements of the spinalcord of the mole


  4. Rats received insulin , check the function of hind - limb , and counted the motor cell of spinal cord and the expression of Bel - 2 proteins .


  5. Water Cleaning Instances for Low Pressure Alternating Current Motor in Cell Room


  6. The TB fluorescence marked neural cells appeared on the left side of L1 ventral horn and something like somatic motor nerve cell morphologically , while no TB marked cell appeared on the right side .


  7. Study on Control Methods of Induction Motor for Fuel Cell Vehicle


  8. Study on Control of Brushless Direct Current Motor for Fuel Cell Cars


  9. Definite - purpose motor of induction cell and spiral coil


  10. Skeletal muscle consists of thousands of muscle fibers , each controlled by one motor neuron whose cell body lies in the brain or spinal cord .


  11. Demonstrated the liver Zang-organ 's anatomize base is the system of body 's , the substance base of primordial liver Zang-organs is actin microfilaments motor system in cell .


  12. The probability of escape movement from a potential well for a particle on account of molecule motor in the living cell


  13. The third group , ventral group was located in medial to the lateral motor column and among the motor neurons and their cell bodies were medium sized . Some large multipolar neurons also became CaBP positive in these group .
